Siliguri Tea Auction Committee is a Licensed Organizer of Tea Board to organize public Tea Auction sales at Siliguri. Out of 7 Tea Auction Centres in India, Siliguri Tea Auction Centre was established in the year 1976. The business of the Committee is managed by a Governing Body. The composition of the Governing Body is as follows:
- Five Members from the class of Sellers
- Five Members from the class of Buyers
- Five Members from the class of Brokers
- One Member as nominee of Tea Board
- One Member as nominee of the Govt. of West Bengal
Seller means the manufacturer of Tea, Buyer means the purchaser of the tea and Broker means Auctioneer of the Tea. Total number of Members of the Governing Body is 17.
At every alternative Annual General Meeting of the Committee the Members elected the new members of the Governing Body.
The Members of the Governing Body elect the Chairman & Vice Chairman among the Members of the Governing Body.
The duty of the Committee is to make the rules for conducting Auction, to ensure smooth Auctioning of tea, to see that the Rules of the Committee are not violated by any of the members, to conduct meetings to sort out disputed matters arises time to time in conducting Tea Auction Sales, issue Circulars to the Members giving current information and decision of the Governing Body & Sub-Committees, to follow the Tea Board Directives under tea Marketing Control Order and inform the same to all members for implementation, to inspect the warehouses registered under the Committee for storing teas meant for sale through Auction and take suitable action as decided by the Governing Body in case of any violation of Rules.
Conduct of Auctions
Every Thursday & Friday the Auction Sales are being conducted in the Leaf Auction Hall & Dust Auction Hall simultaneously in the Siliguri Tea Auction Committee Building. Total accommodation in the Auction Halls are as follows:
- Leaf Auction Hall - 200 Members can sit at a time for purchasing tea through Auction
- Dust Auction Hall - 70 Members can sit at a time for purchasing tea through Auction
Tea Auction System
The producers send their teas to this Centre as per the time schedule of each weekly sale, which are stored in the registered warehouses of the Committee. The warehouses inform the arrival of teas to the Committee and also to the respective Broker, as per the choice of the producers for auctioning the teas. The Broker Members inspect the tea in the warehouses, draw samples as per the norms of the Committee and distribute the same in small sample packets to the Buyer Members for verifying the quality of teas. After sampling & inspection the Broker Members make a catalogue describing the details of the tea of each manufacture and send the catalogues to the Buyers for purchasing tea on the date of Auction as scheduled by the Committee. The Broker Members tast the teas of each lot of particular sale and send a valuation list to the Buyers before conducting the Auction. As per the Auction Rules teas of any particular sale are being sold through Auction after 19 days from the date of closing of arrivals tea of any particular sale. After conducting of auction the Brokers make contract and bills and hand over to the purchasers of the tea and issue delivery order for lifting of post Auction teas from the warehouses. The last date of payment of the bills to the Broker is 13th day from the date of Auction, called as Buyers Prompt date and the Brokers pay the value of teas to the Sellers on 14th day from the date of Auction, which is called Sellers Prompt date.
The warehouses are taking rent and other charges for storing teas as per the Rules of the Siliguri Tea Auction Committee.